Outdated report 17/04/2015 15:38

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Relatório desatualizado Transcription ↓real story; string sender; sender = "Vinícius Michelan"; User: The report is completely outdated! It's displaying info from 2 years ago, from march 2013 Programmer: hmmm...() leia mais

Disturbing news 14/04/2015 19:33

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers LifeOriginal: Notícia preocupanteTranscription ↓A.P.: Geez! It says here that excessive coffee drinking increase the risk of eye damage... Did you see it?Programmer: No... I saw nothing... (Holding a walking stick and wearing sunglasses)T-shirt: .:..::.:..::.:.

Goals 13/04/2015 21:42

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Metas Transcription ↓real story; string sender; sender = "Alexandre Torres"; Boss: Our projects are running late. I was wondering and realized how to improve our approach. From now, we won't work with deadlines, but with goals Programmer: Goals?() leia mais

Configuration file 07/04/2015 22:21

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Arquivo de configuração Transcription ↓real story; string sender; sender = "Toddy"; Alonso: The system did not establish connection with database... Programmer: Let me see the database connection config file.() leia mais

The system does nothing 06/04/2015 22:34

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: O sistema não faz nada Transcription ↓real story; string sender; sender = "César Rodrigues"; Boss: The client said the system is broken and it's not working. He said it does nothing. Programmer: What was he trying to do? Was he registering new customers?() leia mais

Easter eggs 03/04/2015 10:25

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Ovos de Páscoa Transcription ↓Programmer: Alonso, where's the "Save" button on the form? Alonso: I took off... Programmer: What??? And how will it save the information? Alonso: The user only needs to type down, R, up, L, Y, B Programmer: Are you crazy??() leia mais

Hurry up the development 02/04/2015 22:23

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Adiantar a entrega Transcription ↓real story; string sender; sender = "Alezio Wanderley"; Manager: We need to hurry up the development in two days. Is it possible to deliver the system tomorrow? Programmer: No way. It's too much for short time...() leia mais

Great initiative 01/04/2015 09:48

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Ótima iniciativa Transcription ↓string sender; sender = "Nairon"; Boss: From today you'll be solo at the project, because our customer only have funds to one man/hour Programmer: So, the deadline will be changed? Boss: No, it will remain the same.() leia mais

Did you try to google it? 31/03/2015 23:54

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Já tentou o Google? Transcription ↓real story; string sender; sender = "@adriells"; Nephew: How can I convert that string to uppercase? Programmer: Did you try to google it? Nephew: No... I'll try! Nephew: It didn't work!() leia mais

Does not work on the server 30/03/2015 09:21

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Não funciona no servidor Transcription ↓real story; string sender; sender = "Adriano Dias"; Alonso: Dude, the files I uploaded to server aren't working yet... Programmer: Are you sure you have uploaded all needed files from your computer?() leia mais

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