PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Programador Jedi Transcription ↓string sender = "Joseph Kreifels II"; Boss: You have to finish this project in 2 weeks Programmer: But we need 6 weeks Boss: No way. The customer needs it in 2 weeks Programmer: No.(…) leia mais
Artigos marcados com a tag deadline
How much time 09/08/2016 05:12
PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Em quanto tempo? Transcription ↓real story; string sender = "Rui Santos"; Boss: How much time do you need to deliver that system? Programmer: At least 4 months Boss: I need you do it in 2... Programmer: Great! So you already know that it will be 2 months delayed...(…) leia mais
We need to respect the contact 19/07/2016 17:08
PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Tem que respeitar o contrato Transcription ↓real historia; string sender = "Gilmar Candido"; Boss: The deadline must be respected. So you need to release the software in 2 weeks Programmer: So we need more people on team and the company will have to pay extra time...(…) leia mais
Another developer 10/09/2015 10:00
PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Mais um desenvolvedor Transcription ↓real story; string sender; sender = "Marcelo"; Boss: How much time do you need to finish your tasks? Programmer: About 18 hours Boss: Ok. And if I add another developer, could you finish until 12pm?(…) leia mais
Definition of Done 13/08/2015 09:02
PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Definição de Pronto Transcription ↓/* Definition of Done */ String senders = { "Edson Yanaga", "Bruno Souza" }; Boss: Done? Programmer: Its done! Just compiling now... Programmer: Its done! Just need to test! Programmer: Its done!(…) leia mais
Goals 13/04/2015 21:42
PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Metas Transcription ↓real story; string sender; sender = "Alexandre Torres"; Boss: Our projects are running late. I was wondering and realized how to improve our approach. From now, we won't work with deadlines, but with goals Programmer: Goals?(…) leia mais
Hurry up the development 02/04/2015 22:23
PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Adiantar a entrega Transcription ↓real story; string sender; sender = "Alezio Wanderley"; Manager: We need to hurry up the development in two days. Is it possible to deliver the system tomorrow? Programmer: No way. It's too much for short time...(…) leia mais
Great initiative 01/04/2015 09:48
PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Ótima iniciativa Transcription ↓string sender; sender = "Nairon"; Boss: From today you'll be solo at the project, because our customer only have funds to one man/hour Programmer: So, the deadline will be changed? Boss: No, it will remain the same.(…) leia mais
Priorities 16/03/2015 22:24
Original: Prioridades Transcription ↓Programmer: Hey, Boss! We need to improve our ticket system. I suggest to create 3 priority levels: Urgent, very urgent and extremely urgent... A.P.: Without medium and low priorities? Programmer: Have you ever seen here anything with priority lower than urgent? A.P.: You're right...(…) leia mais
Project Deadline 05/03/2015 01:41
Original: Prazo de projeto Transcription ↓real story; string sender; sender = "Paulo Ribeiro"; Boss: Well, you estimated 3000 hours to this project, but our client wants it on 30 days! Programmer: Calculating... 3000 hours, 3 resources, 160 hours/month... Well, 6 months! Boss: What could we deliver on 30 days?(…) leia mais