We've lost everything 12/08/2015 18:09

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Apagaram os dados Transcription ↓real story; string sender; sender = "Mauro"; Alonso: Someone updated the tasks table. WE'VE LOST EVERYTHING! Programmer: What? Alonso: That table has now only one column and all the records were replaced by the 8 number!() leia mais

Project issues 11/08/2015 09:16

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Projeto com problemas Transcription ↓real story; string sender; sender = "Gordinho"; Boss: DAMN, PROGRAMMER! DO YOU WANT TO CRASH OUR COMPANY? WHY DIDN'T YOU WARN ME ABOUT THE ISSUES ON THE PROJECT?? Programmer: What? I told you!() leia mais

Long 13/05/2015 22:15

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Campo Long Transcription ↓real story; string sender; sender = "Sergio Filho"; Boss: If we let that field as a Long integer, it will support the records amount we need? Programmer: Oh, yeah. The long type is very large.() leia mais

My way 05/05/2015 17:27

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Do meu jeito Transcription ↓Boss: So you have to do (...) and (...) Programmer: But you are reinventing the wheel! We have to... Boss: Don't discuss! Do it my way! (Later...) Boss: It's perfect! I told you my way was the better one! A.P.: Weird!() leia mais

Vitality 04/05/2015 09:43

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Vitalidade Transcription ↓(Sometime in the future...) Guy: Cool... At your age you sir keep working, dedicated... What is the secret to be with that age with that vitality?() leia mais

Project management 01/05/2015 22:01

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Gerenciamento de projetos Transcription ↓real story; string sender; sender = "Beto Raposa"; Boss: I don't understand all that code on your screen. It's greek to me. I need you always explain to me all you're doing...() leia mais

In the cloud 27/04/2015 22:25

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers LifeI met the "Alonso" of that story:Transcription ↓real story;string sender;sender = "Paiva";Boss: So you will work online on those projects. The server is already in the cloud...(Alonso looking up to the clouds)--T-shirt: Jean cloud van damme

Weird behavior 24/04/2015 14:19

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Comportamento estranho Transcription ↓real story; string sender; sender = "João Gabriel"; User: The poll you created for our site has kind of a weird behavior... Programmer: How weird? Because it's already approved...() leia mais

Windows version 21/04/2015 08:54

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Versão do Windows Transcription ↓real story; string sender; sender = "walterfcarvalho"; Programmer: Hi, are you the IT manager? The database server is running Windows, right? IT Manager: Yeah... Programmer: I need to homologate.() leia mais

The coin magic 17/04/2015 16:07

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life

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