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Numeric field 07/08/2023 18:10

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: The Developer's Life Original: Campo Numérico Transcription ↓real story; string sender = "Robsão"; Colleague: Did you see it? That field doesn't allow letters, only numbers! Dev: Yeah...() leia mais

Code talking 31/07/2023 18:52

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: The Developer's Life Original: Falando em código Transcription ↓real story; string sender = "DEV Anonimo e cansado"; (Boss passing by the development room and not understanding anything of the conversation) (Boss in the meeting not understanding anything the devs say) Boss: You talk only in() leia mais

Rebranding 28/07/2023 13:36

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: The Developer's Life Original: Rebranding Transcription ↓(The office of a fictional social network) Boss: Since I bought this network, I started to charge to increase the reach, I changed the rules some times, I let hate speech happen and the network is still strong, up and running...() leia mais

I think the printer is broken 30/06/2023 15:08

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: The Developer's Life Original: Acho que a impressora quebrou Transcription ↓real story; string sender = "Fabrício Olmo Aride"; Alonso: Dude, I'm trying to print the page 2 from the report, but it doesn't work! I think the printer is broken! Dev: Great, I "love" printers...() leia mais

Attachment 22/06/2023 17:13

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: The Developer's Life Original: O anexo Transcription ↓real story; string sender = "Marciel"; Dev: Dude, look this... User opened a ticket and wrote only "the new form is not working". How can I imagine what is happening? Paul: Jeez... I don't believe... Wait!() leia mais

A funny database 19/06/2023 19:23

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: The Developer's Life Original: Era uma base muito engraçada... Transcription ↓real story; string sender = "Lucas Caran"; (Talking via chat) Dev: Paul, do you know the "HA" database password? Paul: hahahaha Dev: What's the fun? Paul: No, it's the password Dev: What password?() leia mais

Agile methods 10/06/2023 01:50

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: The Developer's Life Original: Métodos ágeis Transcription ↓real story; string sender = "Carlos Eduardo Paulino"; Boss: Hey, Dev. You are taking too long to deliver your tasks!() leia mais

Visual Studio 27/03/2023 11:27

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: The Developer's Life Transcription ↓real story; string sender = "Fabrício Olmo Aride"; Dev: Alonso, run Visual Studio... Alonso: Hehehehe! Dev: Uh? Did I tell something funny? Alonso: No, but when I hear "Visual Studio" it sounds like a beauty salon... Dev: PLOP!() leia mais

Chrome can't handle it 23/03/2023 17:22

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: The Developer's Life Transcription ↓real story; string sender = "Ricardo"; User (on phone): Hi, Dev! Your system is not working! When I ask for a report, it crashes! Dev: Wait a minute, I'll see the logs... Dev: Wow!() leia mais

Reload 06/01/2023 14:00

PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: The Developer's Life Transcription ↓real story; string sender = "Denilson"; Dev: Dude, look this... Recently I published a chrome extension. Basically, it reloads the page in some interval... A.P.: Cool! Dev: But look this comment at the store Comment: "...() leia mais

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