PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: The Developer's Life Original: Era uma base muito engraçada... Transcription ↓real story; string sender = "Lucas Caran"; (Talking via chat) Dev: Paul, do you know the "HA" database password? Paul: hahahaha Dev: What's the fun? Paul: No, it's the password Dev: What password?(…) leia mais
Artigos marcados com a tag database
2050 08/12/2022 12:59
Integration table 03/11/2016 16:30
PASTE THIS CODE ON YOUR SITE Source: Programmers Life Original: Tabela de integração Transcription ↓real story; string sender = "Eduardo"; Alonso: Ready! I finished the integration table from user's database to our database... (Later...) Programmer: Alonso, why didn't you store our database ID in the integration table?(…) leia mais